Version: 1.0
Size: not much
Model: all
Description: put it at the begining of the program and use password  to run program

Command translation:

->              Single arrow (located on the keyboard)
=>              Double arrow (press: [shift] [prgm] [f1] [f1])
_               Display, -Disp- (press: [shift] [prgm] [f4])
<=              Less or equal (A <= B)
>=              Greater or equal (A >= B)
<>              Not equal (A <> B)
^               Raised to the power of
/               Division or fraction
2rt()           Root (2rt(7) is the square root of 7)
4rt()           4th root
pi              pi (~3.14159265359, low case)
e()             e(1) (~2.7818281846, low case)
E               Exponent (5*10^4)
 Program :SECRET
Lbl 0
If B=(Put your Password)
Then Goto 1
Else Goto 0
Lbl 1