Bonus Mechs
In the Trials of Grievance, enter your name (and/or your starmates' names) in Star Config as one of the following.
Enzo to gain the Battlemaster 'mech
Calvin to gain the Elemental 'mech
Unfortunately, due to a programming slip-up, if you try to play as the Battlemaster the game will crash.
Cheat Codes
To enter these, hold Alt + Ctrl + Shift and type the code phrase.
BLORB -- Invulnerability
CIA -- Unlimited Ammo
COLDMISER -- Heat Tracking
FLYGIRL -- Jump Jets
MIGHTYMOUSE -- Unlimited Jump Jet Fuel
ENOLAGAY -- Nuclear Blast
HANGAROUND -- Display Mission Time
GANKEM -- Targeted Enemy Destroyed
DORCS -- Display Credits
IDKFA -- Lose current mission
MEEPMEEP -- Time compression key on
UNMEEPMEEP -- Time compression key off
ANTIJOLT -- Time expansion on/off
FLASHYFLASHY -- Auto grouping on/off
WALKTHISWAY -- Leading reticle on/off
ZMAK -- Extra Time
TLOFRONT -- Rearview camera becomes a front camera
MICHELIN -- See the bouncing spheres on debris and mech. parts
X-RAY -- X-ray vision (you can see through walls and mountains)
TINKERBELL -- Free-floating external cameras
WEDIDITAGAIN -- More credits
Level Select
To access all levels type in at the sibko identification screen: FREEBIRTHTOAD, then go to the ready room. All levels are either colors or names. The colors are regular missions and the names are the Trials For Position.